Lamar Butler Quotes on Basketball (7 Quotes)

    We have fun with it. The team loves it. It's a way to get away from basketball. It's what we do as a team to get closer.

    I e-mailed my teacher. I said 'Man, I can't focus, to be honest with you. I've been playing basketball, it's NCAA time, we're in the Final Four, can I get an extension' He hasn't replied yet. I'm going to check my e-mail when I get back to my room.

    This was history. We're living it. When you talk about the Final Four, you have to talk about us making the Final Four. We changed the face of college basketball. Unfortunately, it had to come to an end.

    When they talk about the Final Four in the future, they'll have to mention us. We're a part of history. We changed the face of college basketball. It was an amazing run. Unfortunately, it had to come to an end.

    This is history, we're living it now. We changed the face of college basketball. It was an amazing run.

    I've never even been inside of a dome. I've played football in a basketball gym, but never basketball inside a football arena.

    Just to be part of something great, this is history we're living in right now. We changed the face of college basketball.

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