Lamar Butler Quotes on Man (5 Quotes)

    I e-mailed my teacher. I said 'Man, I can't focus, to be honest with you. I've been playing basketball, it's NCAA time, we're in the Final Four, can I get an extension' He hasn't replied yet. I'm going to check my e-mail when I get back to my room.

    I can't wait, man, I can't wait. I don't think they know what's coming.

    He's a freak of nature. I have never seen anybody that big and that mobile. His hands and feet are so quick for his size. ... Jai is a finesse big man. He can bully at the same time, but he's a finesse player.

    They play so well together. It's like they know each other like the back of their hand. It helps us on the court. They just shut down the other team's big men. They've been doing it all season long.

    The whole world kind of went mute for me. I didn't hear anything, didn't see anything, didn't notice anything. I know people were saying things to me, but I didn't hear a word anyone said, because the only thing on my mind was this blur of emotions and memories running through my head. I was thinking about where the road started for me and some of the guys. Man, we've been through a lot, and now it's all over.

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