Lance Bennett Quotes (5 Quotes)

    I don't like putting a stamp on myself, a limit on myself. I'm not saying I want to be a 60-play wide receiver, but I'm not saying I just want to do punt and kick returns, either. I just want to make big plays on offense.

    He has that swagger on and off the field. He's different in his attitude, how he carries himself, what he says and how he says it. What it shows me is that he won't back down.

    All four of them are good players. We will miss them. Tonight, we just missed too many free throws and had too many turnovers. The kids never quit, and played as hard as they could all the way.

    Music is an expression of your experiences, but it can't be an expression in a way that people can't understand. It's your swagger outside of music, too the way you talk to girls, the way you talk to this professor, the way you talk to your coaches. You have to know what to say depending on who your audience is. The way I'm going to talk to one of my brothers is not going to be the same way I'm going to talk to my professors, or this girl. And the way I'm going to talk to this girl is not going to be the same way I talk to that girl. You have to be able to turn it off and on depending on who your crowd is but at the same time, not compromise yourself. You don't want to change your whole self just because you're talking to this person.

    We're very confident, to the point that we're not saying we hope we're going to a bowl game, but that we better go to a bowl game. Last year, we only half said it.

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