Larry Foote Quotes on College (4 Quotes)

    I've taught him everything he knows. I put him under my wing in college and created a monster.

    Through high school, college I've always been known as a heady football player. (At Michigan) we ran a very NFL-style defense and my defensive coordinator and linebacker coach (Jim) Herrmann threw a lot at us. He made me a student of the game and made me think and showed me the ins and outs.

    I played with him in college Michigan and he was always cool. That's the key for a quarterback in this league. If you're cool back there, you can make plays. He's not afraid to get hit. He just steps up in the pocket and delivers the ball down the field.

    I think he's had that since birth. I played with him in college at Michigan and he was always cool. That's the key for a quarterback in the league. If you're cool back there, you can make plays. He's not afraid to get hit. He just steps in the pocket and delivers the ball downfield. He's not looking at anybody else but his receivers.

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