Larry Kupczyk Quotes (18 Quotes)

    That was a good game for us on the road. We played decent hockey, but we're capable of playing much better. We gave up a lot of odd-man rushes against Medford.

    They've put in a lot of hard work over the years. If I can accommodate the seniors even if it's just going through introductions, I'll do that.

    I thought we did a nice job on the penalty kill tonight. We got a lot of different people in. We had a few penalties, but they were aggressive penalties hard-working penalties.

    Looking at the numbers and common opponents, we should match up well against them. If we can get a win against Hayward, it would be a confidence-boost for us, and that's what we need right now.

    After the game, I thought we played all right. But after watching the tape, we didn't play well at all. We made a lot of glaring mistakes that shouldn't be made at this time of the year. And it wasn't just our younger guys. Hopefully we can put it all together for one game.

    That was some of the best hockey we played was earlier in the year. I hope we get back to that because we've been struggling lately. I thought we had a good effort at Lakeland (in a 5-1 loss last Tuesday), but we're still capable of playing better hockey.

    I thought so. I thought putting five on was good. I thought maybe Tyler Cameron could have gotten a vote here or there, but I was satisfied with five people on there.

    It was simple things missing two opens nets from near point-blank range. The guys that did it forgot hockey was still being played. They felt sorry for themselves after missing the open net, and Medford comes down 6-on-4 because they're feeling sorry for themselves. It's hard to take.

    This was just one of those games where we got it handed to us. We'll put it behind us, and we'll play better (today).

    I thought we played a solid first period. We played a solid game all-around.

    He's a skilled player who has been able to put the puck in the net on a regular basis. Jesse also took more of a leadership role this season and is a very solid player.

    The coaches and players would like to thank our fans, and especially the AHS students who came out in large numbers and supported our team again this season. (They) definitely give us a home-ice advantage.

    Dan is a tall, rangy player who has a very nice scoring touch. He came up with some big goals for us in conference play.

    I hope a couple of the players step up. I challenged our seniors over the weekend. I told them their time is running out and that they're capable of more. And we are as a team. But we go as our leaders go.

    We always get great crowds here. We played some of our best hockey that weekend.

    I think we match up very well with them. I hope the players are all business tonight, knowing the playoffs are coming up and knowing we match up well with our opponent. We'll work real hard the next week-and-a-half.

    Add this one to the other four that we gave away. This is the fifth game we let slip away. There's no use sugarcoating it. I know it's a tie, but it's a loss for us as far as I'm concerned when you let a three-goal lead slip away at the end.

    We did a lot of good things. That's why it's so hard to swallow. We did enough good things to win.

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