Leo Nikolaevich Quotes (27 Quotes)

    If you are content with the old world, try to preserve it, it is very sick and cannot hold out much longer. But if you cannot bear to live in everlasting dissonance between your beliefs and your life, thinking one thing and doing another, get out of

    Ivan Ilyich's life was most simple, and most ordinary, and therefore most terrible.

    What an immense mass of evil must result... from allowing men to assume the right of anticipating what may happen.

    There was no answer except the usual answer life gives to the most complicated and insoluble questions. This answer is carry on with your everyday affairs, that is to say, put it out of your mind.

    What counts in making a happy marriage is not so much how compatible you are, but how you deal with incompatibility.

    If there is no higher reason--and there is none--then my own reason must be the supreme judge of my life

    You can't imagine what a pleasure this complete laziness is to me not a thought in my brain- you might send a ball rolling through it

    In this definition is contained the answer to the question as to what gives men the power to establish laws. What gives them the power to establish laws is the same thing which secures obedience to them - organized violence.

    Was it by reason that I attained the knowledge that I must love my neighbour and not throttle him They told me so when I was a child, and I gladly believed it, because they told me what was already in my soul. But who discovered it Not reason

    I have learned that every man lives not through care of himself, but by love.

    The only significance of life consists in helping to establish the kingdom of God and this can be done only by means of the acknowledgment and profession of the truth by each one of us.

    He was nine years old and quite a child, but he knew his soul, it was dear to him, and he guarded it as the eyelid guards the eye, and never let anyone enter his heart without the key of love.

    Man has received direct from God only one instrument wherewith to know himself and to know his relation to the universe - he has no other - and that instrument is reason

    There are people who when they meet a rival, no matter in what, at once shut their eyes to everything good in him and see only the bad. There are others who on the contrary try to discern in a lucky rival the qualities that have enabled him to succe

    There is only one time that is important -- NOW It is the most important time because it is the only time hat we have any power.

    Without knowing why I am and why I am here, life is impossible.

    Moral perfection is beyond reach but this is the law of human life

    Man by violating his own feelings becomes cruel. And how deeply seated in the human heart is the injunction not to take life.

    Why must children die I have reached the conclusion that the only purpose in the life of every man is to strengthen love within himself, and by strengthening it within himself, to infect other people with it

    Laws are rules established by men who are in control of organized violence for the non fulfillment of which those who do not fulfill them are subjected to personal injuries, the loss of liberty, and even capital punishment.

    The happiness of men consists in life. And life is in labor.

    If only it be admitted that art may be unintelligible to any one of sound mind and yet be art, there is no reason why any circle of perverted people should not compose works tickling their own perverted feelings and comprehensible to no one but thems

    Laws are rules, made by people who govern by means of organized violence, for non-compliance with which the non-complier is subjected to blows, to loss of liberty, or even to being murdered.

    And whatever people might say about the time having come when young people must arrange their future for themselves, she could not believe it any more than she could believe that loaded pistols could ever be the best toys for five-year-old children.

    The more everybody lives, the more life reveals to him what was unknown becomes known.

    More Leo Nikolaevich Quotations (Based on Topics)

    Life - Law & Regulation - Man - Violence - Thought & Thinking - Power - Mind - Love - Perfection - Liberty & Freedom - Soul - Pleasure - Morality - Leadership - Labor - God - People - Children - Wisdom & Knowledge - View All Leo Nikolaevich Quotations

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