Levon Kendall Quotes (21 Quotes)

    I think the sky's the limit for this team. We have lots of talent. We're really deep. Dixon has done a really good coaching job. He's gotten us to work on our weaknesses. We're getting better and better, progressing each game.

    What hurt us last year was giving up penetration and then giving up open shots. That's what they do really well. We know that. It's something we're aware of. It's no secret. It's just a matter of us being able to execute it in the game.

    We've just got to take care of what we can control. We can't really do anything about the other games. We just need to make sure we win and see what happens from there.

    We haven't done so well in the noon games. We recognized that and made sure we got to bed and got our rest. I don't know why it happens. But it was something we recognized and talked about.

    We started to fade a bit, started to lose focus the last couple of weeks. We talked about tightening up, taking care of the little details and just sort of refocus and regroup.

    He understands his role. He's a starter and the coaches and players all have confidence in him. We all support each other equally. That's the type of little things that make teams good.

    Personally, I had a great afternoon. As a team we did a hard defense and took good shots. It is the first time I hit 40 points in one match.

    We wanted to start off fast. We wanted to stress the first five minutes of both halves. We've had some slow starts throughout the year. We didn't want that to happen again. We didn't want to give them reason to believe.

    It's not like they needed a buzzer beater to beat Kansas. They were in control the whole game. The seeding is irrelevant at this point.

    We didn't get the win we were looking for on Monday to, hopefully, clinch that fourth seed and the bye. We've just got to take care of what we can control and hope for the best.

    The sky's the limit for this team. We have lots of talent. We're deep.

    You can tell from the preseason rankings that they don't really mean much. I don't think we were in the top 50 when the season started. They're not really representative of the truth. It's something you really try not to worry about too much. It's nice to

    We're definitely excited. We've done our best to stay up and motivated for these games. We want to prove to ourselves and show people what we can do. We're pretty confident about it. We get to go down to South Carolina, see what we can do, maybe surprise some people or show them what we're made of.

    For the most part we played well defensively. We let up a little bit a couple times once we got the big lead and that's when they got back in it.

    This was a good learning experience for us. We got away from our game plan, and it cost us. We have to stick to the things that have been working for us all year or we're going to keep losing.

    A lot of people (on television) were picking against us. We took it personally.

    Getting guys out of their comfort zone is big. Young guys usually don't respond well to adversity. If we do that from the get-go and be on them, they'll have a tough time responding to that and to the pressure.

    It's a tough loss, but the only way it's going to turn into a bad loss is if we don't turn around and learn from it.

    St. John's is a tough team, and they battled all game. They play aggressive defense. When they make the plays and make the shots, they are tough to beat. They're going to be a force in the Big East.

    They have a lot of older guys. They make very few turnovers. They capitalize off your mistakes. It's hard to get them out of their comfort zone. They have a lot of seniors and juniors who have been playing for a while. We're going to have to match their efficiency and be just as solid as they are if we want to be in there with them and get the win.

    We'd been preparing for that the last couple of days. We knew Aaron was going to make the right choices.

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