Lew Ford Quotes (10 Quotes)

    We were having trouble getting things started all night. It was just a little ground ball that I was able to hit in the right place to get on. Then a passed ball and Ruben Sierra deserves a lot of credit. After sitting on the bench, he rips that ball out there into left field. He did his job.

    That was just wrong. We were watching the Bears game and with two minutes left the satellite went out. That was probably the lowlight of the trip.

    Everybody on the team wants to see him succeed. We're all pulling for him every time he's up there.

    No. That's not fun that way. That can raise your blood pressure doing that all the time. We have a type of team able to do that. We're not going to give up and quit. We keep coming at them. We were able to put something together.

    That's not fun that way. That can raise your blood pressure doing that all the time, but we have the type of team that's able to do that.

    They really wanted to take me out as you don't want to hurt it any worse than what it is.

    Just put the ball in play, hit it hard and you make things happen. If you're leading off innings, that's what you have to do.

    I think it's going to be important because when you have guys that have been in the league 8 to 10 years, they have seen everything.

    Any time is fine with me. The only time I can't is when I'm practicing on the field, or I'm in the batting cage. When the day's over with, guys usually sign then.

    I didn't know exactly the whole story but after hearing it, it just made you really think about life. Those kids have had it tough there and it was great to go and try to lift their spirits up.

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