Lewis Booth Quotes (9 Quotes)

    Sir Digby has a depth of knowledge, strategic mindset and an ability to communicate, qualities which are hard to beat in the business world.

    Climate change is the biggest single challenge facing the automotive industry today.

    The Volvo C70, the gorgeous XK and today's Aston Martin line-up are perfect examples of our improvement with every new generation.

    The UK is a bit of a worry at the moment.

    We are also taking steps to drive down our cost through our parts sourcing and our manufacturing footprint. As the competitive business environment gets tougher, both here and in Europe, we will be working harder than ever before on the fundamental elements of our business.

    We hope to see increased competitive pressures not reductions so we are concerned about it.

    At the end of the day, the business is going to be on the strength of the product.

    We are going to do what we said we would do and continue to work on the cost side.

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