LL Cool Quotes (6 Quotes)

    He said, 'That's our secret Kill them with kindness.'

    I've achieved basically all of the goals - by the grace of God - that I wanted to in music,

    And my new focus is in acting. That's where I'm putting the majority of my energy.

    I thought it was the greatest opportunity as an actor, ... It's the first time I got to do something a little different. It's an amazing piece of material.

    To he who much is given, much is required. That's the importance of this day,

    The rapper-turned-actor borrows from Eastern thought to make his point. The Chinese have a saying, ... 'Beware the man with the Buddha's mouth and the snake's heart.' This is the perfect example of that.

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    Movies - Compassion - Music - Majority & Minority - Energy - Perfection - Man - Goals - Acting - Performance Arts - God - View All LL Cool Quotations

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