Lloyd Carr Quotes on Abilities (6 Quotes)

    I think it's a great plus. Any time you can put two or three guys in there that have different types of abilities, I think it creates issues for the defense.

    Defensively we have to find a way to keep them out of the end zone. College football has changed. Everyone has the ability to spread you out and it's not easy to stop them for four downs.

    Will Paul has really (made) strides. He's got the ability to play there and has picked things up very quick.

    He's really improved throwing the football from the standpoint of seeing the field. When he's dropping back, he's doing a great job looking off, finding alternative receivers. His presence there is outstanding, and he still has the ability when things break down to make a play.

    He's been very impressive. He has all the ability we thought he had, maybe more.

    He's so competitive, he's so tough, and he's so smart. Once he got a chance to play, he performed well, and he had a great career. I don't like the word 'overachiever.' I called him that once, and he said, 'What do you mean by that' I said, 'What I mean is, I can't give a guy a higher compliment.' Sometimes when you get called that, it's like you don't have any ability, you just play hard. He had ability.

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