Lloyd Carr Quotes on College (5 Quotes)

    There's a lot of great athletes, skilled athletes that are returning punts, ... The one thing I've seen in recent years at the college level is a tremendous and significant change in special teams play. The time spent obviously has increased in that phase of the game, giving those skilled athletes the opportunity to make big plays in the kicking game.

    Defensively we have to find a way to keep them out of the end zone. College football has changed. Everyone has the ability to spread you out and it's not easy to stop them for four downs.

    I think one of the things that's important in maintaining the tradition of college football is making sure every game of the regular season means something, and the bowl tradition is something we should never give up. But if there is a way of going to a one-game playoff after the bowls, that's something that should maybe happen as we go forward here.

    Michigan head coach Lloyd Carr has expressed the utmost respect for the MAC and Novak. They coached together on Moeller's staff at Illinois. When you look at college football the last four or five years, ... Joe has done as good of a job as anybody in the country.

    When you have an opportunity to go in front of the media, there's always a chance to make mistakes. It's part of the growing process, part of the college experience. He felt really badly. It's just one of those things that happen, and you move on.

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