Lloyd Carr Quotes on Countries (8 Quotes)

    You look back at the last 30 years, and they've won more national championships than anybody in the country. We have a history with Nebraska going back to the (1986) Fiesta Bowl and, of course, the '97 co-national championship.

    The biggest question mark across the country about Michigan, ... is our defense.

    I think it is certainly one of the better defensive teams in the country.

    Michigan head coach Lloyd Carr has expressed the utmost respect for the MAC and Novak. They coached together on Moeller's staff at Illinois. When you look at college football the last four or five years, ... Joe has done as good of a job as anybody in the country.

    Year in and year out, on a consistent basis, the best teams in the country always have great defenses.

    The biggest question mark about Michigan across the country, I'm sure, is our defense.

    We'd like to tackle the quarterback, ... Traditionally here, we've taken great pride in the way we played defense. Like every other program in the country, the spread offense creates problems. I've said this because when you use the quarterback, really in many instances like a tailback, and yet you have four wide receivers and you spread the defense out, you're going to give up some yardage, you're going to give up some points. I think that's fundamental.

    His greatest strength is that he's smart, ... The most difficult part about trying to evaluate quarterbacks is determining whether or not they'll be able to embrace the pressure. Matt comes from an excellent background. He's been in a high-school program that had more exposure than any program in the country. He made it very clear he was excited about the challenge of playing in a program like this.

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