Lloyd Carr Quotes on Efforts (4 Quotes)

    On the positive side for the Wolverines, Lloyd Carr said he felt they had found a defense after it had been widely dismissed as incapable. Notre Dame finished with 244 yards of offense and was 4-for-15 on third down. It gained a paltry 56 yards in the second half. We lost a football game, but I think we found a defense, ... I liked the way we played from a standpoint of effort and aggressiveness. I thought we were very physical. That's the kind of defense, if we can maintain that kind of effort, we'll have a good football team.

    So there are going to be some changes in the lineup because we're not going to sit and watch that type of effort. We need to play harder, we need to play tougher.

    It's a matter of quickness, that's what this game has evolved to - quickness and toughness and ability to sustain an effort over 60 minutes and over four months. Any time you have too much weight, it has a fatigue effect on you, in an individual game and in the season.

    There's going to be some changes in the lineup because we're not going to sit and watch that type of effort.

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