Lloyd Carr Quotes on Motivational (3 Quotes)

    I knew in my heart this team had tremendous motivation. They worked extremely hard going back to the way that season ended a year ago.

    I've interviewed every player on our team, and that's always part of the conversation. There's a lot of things that certainly should be motivating. I don't think there's anybody in this program that wants to go through that kind of season again. I think they'll do everything that they're asked to do to make sure that it doesn't happen again.

    Obviously, when you're part of a unit that has had as much criticism as the defense has had, I think it's a motivating factor, ... But what I look at it is the way they've worked, and the way they've trained, and the way they've practiced. We're much stronger up front than we were a year ago, and I think that was one of the problems, one of the big problems. We're stronger, we're bigger, we have better depth. I think that is going to make a difference.

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