Luke Clausen Quotes (14 Quotes)

    It didn't affect me, though. I yanked him out of the water, got him back on the boat and went right on fishing.

    This is like winning a grand slam. It's cool, like icing on top of the cake to win the Classic and winning those records.

    Everything I did worked. I couldn't do no wrong. I was catching some awesome fish.

    I was relaxed the whole time. I'm never nervous when I'm tournament fishing. To me it's fun and relaxing. I didn't get a little nervous (Sunday) until I got up on the stage with the other five finalists.

    I just had a good day. I could go out tomorrow and maybe catch 10 pounds. I'm not sure if I can catch five fish. But I'll got back to the some of the areas that I got bit in today and try to milk them for what they're worth.

    I was pretty disappointed today. I spent all of my time in the area where I caught my fish Friday because I thought it had more fish.

    I'm going to change and fish some new areas tomorrow. All I can do is go catch as many fish as I can. We'll see what happens.

    Yesterday, every bite I got was a decent one. I'm going to change and fish some new areas today and I'm going to move around. If I want to have a chance, I have to catch a pretty good bag.

    For two days I've been on bedding fish, and I went back this morning and caught a 6-pounder on my third cast. I had visions of grandeur, but that was my last good fish of the day.

    It hasn't really sunk in yet. It's like you're in the middle of a dream.

    It hasn't sunk in. It's like in the middle of a dream. When I was out there and the confetti was falling and I was holding the trophy, it's surreal.

    Everything went right for me today. Everywhere I went I caught fish.

    I had to fish slow on the bottom, keeping my rod-tip near the surface. If I raised the rod even a little, the 40-mph wind became troublesome.

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