Lute Olson Quotes on Home (5 Quotes)

    I'm not approaching my team any different from all along. We just need to get better. We need to have a better showing in the five of seven home games left. We definitely have to protect the home court. And we have an added incentive in these two games, in that we lost both of them on the road up there.

    Our mental approach will be solid. Our guys know what it is going to take to end up on top of the league. It is a long haul. You can't afford not to be ready to play every time out, home or away.

    Our situation may be different. He's had two games already, and Wednesday's loss was tough to take at home.

    I just think that non-conference schedules can be so different that I'm not sure you get a good read on a team until league play starts. (Being at home all the time) doesn't give you a true picture of how you're going to do, especially with new guys. New guys will perform better at home because of the security from the support of the crowd.

    I think that will be the challenge with Washington, frankly, when they go out on the road. In any experiences I've had with young teams, the home crowd and home court is like a security blanket and then the team struggles away from home.

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