Lynne Roberts Quotes (11 Quotes)

    We just didn't make stops when we needed to. We never could really get over the hump.

    It's probably the most prestigious national award there is in basketball. I think it legitimizes our program.

    Yea, that was a little concerning. But when the season's on the line, you got to roll the dice and play it out.

    My name may be on the door, but it is really a group effort. I couldn't have done it without them. Our goal is to create what we did in Chico at Pacific.

    If she stays on the path she is, then yea. As long as she stays healthy and motivated, she certainly has the potential to do so.

    I just told my team that no one likes to lose. We certainly didn't get here with that very much. So I want it to sting, I want them to feel it. I want them to have motivation.

    Coaches play a role, but it's all about the players. Players make plays, and I just have an incredible group that I love to death and they just make me proud.

    She provides instant defense. And she can get a steal at any time.

    I'm thrilled with the opportunity. I have high expectations for what we're going to do. It's going to take some time, but we'll get there.

    She is very athletic, has great hands, is pretty skilled and she has a great work ethic. She doesn't take a possession off.

    Obviously we have one senior, so we have the majority coming back. We're young, we've never been here. It's tough to win the first game here, and we did that. And I think we all realize we can play better, but experience is underrated.

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    Time - Opportunity - Majority & Minority - Efforts - Youth - Possession - Motivational - Experience - Potential - Name - Goals - Basketball - View All Lynne Roberts Quotations

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