Manny Diaz Quotes (15 Quotes)

    The biggest concern is they apply so much pressure, in all phases, that if you make a mistake they're going to punish you. Against Virginia Tech, that always concerns you, and it's quadrupled in the first game of the year, because someone is going to make a mistake in the first game. That's just the way it is.

    I think we have a good record to run on. People can see that changes that have occurred, and people like the direction the city is going, ... People want to come to Miami to live, work and play.

    We started off as a very individualistic program where everybody was doing their own thing, but we've come a long way and we're starting to play as a team. I'm very proud of them.

    There is still no commitment from the United States government that Elian Gonzalez will not leave this country during the pending appeal.

    The family respects the rule of law, ... The family recognizes and accepts the legal right of the INS to pick up Elian. The door will be open. The family will not interfere. The family will not resist.

    We've got to learn to finish what we start. It's just part of building confidence.

    We're going through probably the greatest transformation in American history of any city in this short period of time, ... I just want to savor every moment of it.

    That's the reality and that's why we have a long-term goal to deal with this problem, ... But we also have a constant influx of immigrants coming here to live the American dream.

    What is on the table today is not an offer. It's a demand.

    Knowing the kind of coach Frank Beamer is, he knows we could have sacked the quarterback 150 times -- that they lost the game because their punter drops the snap and because they miss a field goal at the end. If one of those two things don't happen, they win. Forget our D-line, forget everything else.

    There's a Metro line that runs right through here, ... We are in the next four or five years hopefully going to build our light rail system and streetcar system that has been funded by the federal government this year. We are planning ahead.

    Now, when someone calls and says, 'You haven't picked up my trash,' we can get on the computer and find out how long it took us to pick up the trash after they called,

    It's probably the only one Burns dropped in his entire life. But we bring it, too. When people apply pressure, it gets everybody out of their comfort zone. That's what they do, and that's what we like to think we do. That's why we're a great test for one another.

    the courts in this country, every single day, make determinations with regard to what is in the best interest of the child. There is no automatic law, as far as we're concerned, that says simply because you are the parent of the child that you automatically -- no matter what -- have custody of that child.

    At times like this, you need a guy who's been on the ground floor,

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