Marcus White Quotes (10 Quotes)

    He's real versatile. It's going to be hard to just shut somebody completely down that takes that many shots. I just have to play tough defense and stay with him the whole time.

    People were expecting a lot from me those first few games. They have to understand I was rusty.

    I stopped trying to post up. I realized posting up against 7-footers was not the smartest thing to do. I started trying for short-range or mid-range jumpers or driving. That allowed me to use my jumping ability to get by players.

    I can't make lateral moves. I feel like I'm about to fall when I go left to right. I'm trying to adjust to playing on one leg.

    We're concerned that other states will look at Wisconsin and say, 'Hey, they got their caseload down,' without looking at what happened to those families that slid off the welfare rolls, ... We've got our work cut out for us in making sure the lessons of Wisconsin make it to Washington.

    I started so late in the season, I just wanted to score 30 on one play. I just wanted to do everything all at once and rushing, rushing, and rushing. I realized if I calmed down, the game will come to me.

    Please come out every time we have a game, you can help our season greatly.

    Coach Painter's been utilizing a lot of new drills that I like, some that I don't like, but I still gotta do them, they make you better.

    Every time we have a whole lot of fans here, we win. It's a trend. We love the fans, we appreciate the fans we want them to keep coming out.

    He did a lot of opening up and allowing people to work. He allowed Gary Ware to really just have a field day, he was backing in doing whatever he wanted.

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