Marilyn Tam Quotes (8 Quotes)

    I don't find a big separation between foundation work and business work. We want to create a world that works for everyone. Everything is so connected now. If one part of the world has a problem, it hits everybody.

    They told me something very interesting, they promote on merit. What a refreshing idea.

    And that's a good thing. Women relate differently to challenges, and that's very needed in today's world.

    First, tell the truth. It's simple and sometimes hard to do.

    Die by your own sword. Live by your principles. ... If you forget what's important to you, you'll be like a cork bobbing on the ocean.

    If you're making no mistakes you're not taking any risks. If you make little mistakes you're not paying attention. If you make a big mistake you're stepping out and you'll have a contingency plan.

    We counsel and support over 400,000 small businesses a year on how to manage and develop their business.

    Live by your principles. There's an inner voice in you that truly knows what you want, that's why I do what I do.

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    Principle - World - Idea - Business & Commerce - Woman - Planning - Contingency - Work & Career - Danger & Risk - Attention - Truth - View All Marilyn Tam Quotations

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