Mark Latham Quotes (33 Quotes)

    You want to talk about Keating 17 interest rates.

    The best contribution we can make is to help rebuild Iraq, its services and infrastructure,

    Oh, bloody oath it was. Of course it was. Huge error, huge error. Obviously the worst thing I ever did in my life.

    All those sick puppies in the Labor Party, I'm happy to leave them behind,

    It's interesting to listen to these machine guys they live in a world of non-stop political manoeuvres and gossip, no structured thoughts to making society better... The focus group also showed that it's popular to bash blacks 'You need to find new issues, like attacking land rights, get stuck into all that politically correct Aboriginal stuff the punters love it.'

    He is trying to exploit their naivete, not knowing all the things that happen in Canberra and all the things their dad would be up to, just as no politician's children would know every single thing that the politician does at work,

    Because the politics of smear and this public and media and political obsession with sex has got some parallels in my circumstances,

    And why has Little Billy ... Mark Latham displays all the attributes of a dog, except loyalty.

    There was a disgusting rumour that so-called colleagues were spreading in late November 2004 that I was supposed to have done something to Kate Ellis, the new Member for Adelaide,

    We're picking up a wide range of activities that will reach the total population. It's going to be a learning curve for the students, the coaches, and the community.

    Outbreaks can be very localized. They can be caused by an increase of infection in a bird nesting area that leads to a localized breakout.

    I am the leader of the alternative government of this country and my starting point is very much the importance of the relationship and the importance of the alliance.

    The one thing we're going to have to have while making this transition is patience. Our community is going to need to be patient because a lot of times we are going to be playing schools two times the size we are.

    Balding backbencher Bob McMullan, nicknamed comb-over ... When someone looks through a window and thinks they see a lot of vipers and snakes, it's nearly always the case they're looking in a mirror and seeing a reflection of themselves.

    But what does that mean for the future That people have got to be old as Methuselah to take on the job or ... the kids have got to have moved out of home

    It was finding someone, anyone, who could beat Howard and purge him of his demons of the Howard defeat in '96.

    Maybe people will read this book and think they have got to cut a bit more slack for people who have got young families.

    I had a suspicion for some time now that Rudd has been feeding material to Oakes,

    So it must be something other than my book, if you go by his analysis it's something other than me.

    The seat is obvious Replace the log (Michael) Hatton in Blaxland. A Bankstown boy with ability, we have always done well out of those. In fact John regards him as a future party leader a huge wrap.

    My friends in Parliament House are adamant that Beazley's staffers Epstein and Justin Di Lollo have been spreading shit about me all over the place... Race Matthews tells me that a senior Right-wing Victorian told him that I have been stalking a young woman and the police are involved. Things are out of control... Politics can be a dirty business, but our Caucus is infested with the sewer rats of the movement.

    Greg had a marriage break-up and some troubles, an incident that was made public and was in a very distressed state, suffering depression,

    I'm told the party ended with one of the ABC journalists collapsed in the middle of the floor, her knickers dangling around her ankles,

    My mind turned to the BeazleyRay smear and I must admit I felt sick in the stomach,

    Kim Beazley said my book would only be a two-day wonder, so he was not too worried about it,

    I wouldn't make him a toilet cleaner in Parliament House, let alone Leader of the Opposition,

    in my opinion there has been a failure of management at the ABC.

    And what about Beazley He had two weeks in which to call Greg and never did. The family know the truth that he never had the decency to pick up the phone to give one of his MPs a bit of comfort and security about his political future. It confirms my worst thoughts about him.

    That's all good theory and rhetoric but this real-life circumstance here, it's green, it's thick and good to have and I'm not shifting.

    In hindsight I could say, well it was a mistake to seek the leadership of the Labor Party when I had a young family,

    As for the development of Polk County athletics, they will definitely benefit from the experience of this new conference.

    They're a contribution to Labor history and why is the Labor Party so scared of the truth

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