Mark Martin Quotes on Books (3 Quotes)

    The Falcon Press was already in existence when I came to Florence four years ago. I wanted to revive the program and see if we couldn't make it into something really special. We added the area in the hall near the book rack where students can sit for a few minutes and read, and above that one of our parents has painted a falcon, which is the school's mascot, with a book in its mouth. We added spotlights before school started this year so we could spotlight our authors.

    I give the name of the book, a little about the story and a lot about the author. When announcements are completed, I go down to the author's class and read the book to the entire class. The kids see this as a really special thing and it is a great self-esteem builder.

    Some of our students draw their own illustrations and others use photos or other pictures to illustrate their book. We have no guidelines that say a book has to be done a certain way. And no books are turned down every book we received is published.

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