Mark McNulty Quotes (21 Quotes)

    In general I'm very happy with the 70. The wind is totally different. I haven't played the course in this wind. It's coming out of the south I think today or southeast, as opposed to the past where it either comes on the north or the west. Otherwise, I'm obviously pleased with my position and I know very much for tomorrow what needs to be done.

    It was a very odd combo. At least I put myself in position, no matter what the (other) guys do.

    Every year we have to look at this and decide what we can continue to pay for. We in business can't continue to foot this bill.

    You've got to perform well all year. Last year I was very fortunate just to be able to play well through the year.

    Today was one of those rounds where I played particularly well again. If you come back to a course which you've done well on, it's always got to do something with what fits your eye.

    When you come back to places that you've played well, you do have good vibes and that definitely helps. It sort of revitalizes you and you're able to pick yourself up.

    Everybody is really looking forward to getting back here. It's a good, old-style golf course. It's a great gem of a golf course. It's a good test of golf.

    It is very much a strategy golf course. You have to go from point to point and get in position to do some good work.

    You put a lot of things down to experience, ... You hit the best shots you can, and I was fortunate to get two eagles today. I hit some nice shots when I had to.

    The ball hasn't been coming out of the middle. At least I'm back on the right track and it's great to shoot a round like I did today.

    When you've played this game for 30 years, you're not worried about whether you're leading at this point. You just want to have a nice score and go have a nice lunch.

    In general, I'm happy with a 70. The wind is totally different here and I haven't played this course in the wind. I'm obviously pleased with my position and I know what needs to be done.

    When Gary is commentating I wish CBS would give him a little more but they know it could drop them over the edge because he's very witty and very smart. The wit is almost slightly over the top.

    This course sets up for somebody to shoot a 62 or 64 tomorrow, and I just hope that person is me.

    Isn't this a lovely game As easy as it was (Friday), it was as difficult (Saturday). It was like two opposite ends of the pole. I think I made the best possible score out of the day that I could have.

    If you come back to a course that you've done well on, it always fits your eyes. This course fits my eyes. ... I went home last night and said to my wife, 'At least I think I'm hitting the ball better.

    Golf is a very humbling game. I just hope the golf gods will be good to me again.

    My first six tournaments haven't been good, so I made a couple of changes with my swing. I'm happy to shoot a 68.

    I feel like I've been playing well, and being back at Oak Hills should put me in a good frame of mind.

    I don't care what tour you play. PGA, LPGA or Champions -- it does help to come back to a place where you have had success. You have good vibes about the golf course.

    I think last year and 2004 when I won, I was playing particularly well. Today was one of those rounds where I played particularly well again. But it does help when you come back, no doubt. Horses for courses, isn't that what they say

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