Mark Regev Quotes on Terrorism (8 Quotes)

    We understand the needs, and we have offered another option, but the Palestinians rejected this. We have had to take additional security steps because we have seen an escalation in terrorist activity.

    We've been very clear, disengagement goes ahead. Everyone understands what this obscene terrorist was trying to do and we cannot let him do it.

    There is a fundamental contradiction between building a democratic process and being armed and sworn to killing Israelis. How can the Palestinians talk about building institutions and laying the foundations for the future political state if they are still engaging in terrorist activities.

    No person involved in terrorism can use the election campaign as a way to receive immunity.

    Disengagement's opponents are against it for three reasons. One, they believe it will harm national security because it may be perceived by the Palestinians as a reward for terrorism, as the 2000 withdrawal from south Lebanon was. Two, they believe it's a great tragedy that people who have lived in Gaza for decades, who were encouraged by various Israeli governments to move there, are now being uprooted from their homes. Three, some of them -- though they downplay this reason because they know it doesn't sell -- believe ideologically that it's wrong to give away any part of the Land of Israel.

    If a terrorist organization takes over the machinery of government, do you not have the legal option to try to give the political body taken over by a terrorist group the status of a terrorist organization

    The Palestinian Authority honoring its commitments in the fight against terrorism is a prerequisite for moving forward with the political dialogue.

    And the sad truth is that, today, unfortunately, the Palestinians are just not up to the challenge of policing their own border and preventing extremist, terrorist elements from coming in to the Gaza Strip,

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