Mark Richt Quotes on People (11 Quotes)

    They are a little different than some people we play. But it is not a smoke-and-mirror team. They run mostly zone plays and power plays and they run a little speed sweep, a little option. They love to establish the run. Most of their big plays passing come off the play action.

    We have worked on it a lot, ... (Quarterback D.J.) Shockley just has great voice inflection. He's doing a great job of mixing up the cadence. I bet we're averaging three a game and maybe even more. We've gotten a bunch of people to jump offside just because of our cadence.

    I'm proud of our guys. You always wonder how your team is going to react to some adversity. We were losing at the half, but the guys did a great job of doing what they had to do to win. Some people may not think it's a beautiful victory, but it is to me.

    Leonard has got a very strong upside. He's a mismatch problem for a lot of people.

    I think his goal is to be a coach and he'll be able to do some things as a student assistant coach that a lot of people can't do. He'll get a couple of years of training that a lot of guys have to wait for until after they graduate.

    It wasn't quite the way we designed it with Joe stumbling, ... That's not the way it was supposed to go. I'm sure people would have been talking about that play for years if we'd won.

    A lot of people doubted his ability to handle the academic rigors at our school. He's proven he can do that and be a fantastic All-American football player and be a fantastic citizen. He's got a heart for young people. He wants to give back. He's just a great credit to this program and our university.

    We want to make sure that we play someone that everyone in the nation would care about and can bolster how people, how voters feel about you if you win.

    It's been good enough to make the play-action pass legitimate. We've done some good things. Our backs have done some good things overall. Not many people can line up and run over people down after down. We're more into having good balance.

    People were saying we were going to hang 50 on them. We're not that good.

    I felt like we had as good a chance this year to be in the fight as we had in any other year. I'm not really surprised, but I guess a lot of people thought it was doomsday.

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