Mark Tyndale Quotes (8 Quotes)

    That's embarrassing, losing in the first round to Akron. They're a good team, they play hard, but we've been going through a lot of things as a team.

    We weren't supposed to lose this game, but they're the No. 1 team in the country, they are very well coached and they did a great job. My hat goes off to those guys. They are excellent.

    When I made my decision to go to Temple, they asked me the same question -- and I still feel like coach will be here and do this until he dies.

    All summer I kept hearing negative talk about him. I think he's staying because this is his passion. He focuses on basketball. He doesn't travel. He just wants to teach basketball. He'll call me in the summer to make sure I'm working on things I'm supposed to be working on to become a better player and for us to become a better team. Basketball is his life. All he does is talk basketball, basketball, basketball.

    The disease has passed around the whole team. Coach has been on us about that, but there's nothing he can do about that. It was pretty tough to watch.

    I just told him the speech he makes before every big game he should make that before every small team, also, and we'll be OK.

    (Today) is a new day. We have to come out with the same effort. If we do that, we should win.

    You don't know how bad I want that tournament. I've been watching Saint Joe and Villanova go since I've been here. It our turn to get there. It's our turn to make a run.

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