Marshall Wittmann Quotes (26 Quotes)

    Just by waiting for the Republicans to self-destruct, the Democrats could lose their chance at rebuilding a majority. Politics works in strange ways.

    Conservatives have woken from a slumber and realized the government has grown exponentially. McCain has been an often-lonely voice calling for a brake on government spending and more fiscal sobriety.

    Boehner should not start putting pictures on the wall and hanging drapes. This could be a very temporary job if the Republicans lose in November.

    It's very problematic because of the House. The perks are too enticing for them to convert to the religion of reform.

    He could then say with some credibility that progress is being made and paint the Democrats as the party of defeat.

    It's the opposite of what Frank Sinatra sang. If you can make it there, you can't necessarily make it anywhere in the Republican Party.

    Thanks to Gingrich, 1994 was that rare moment when the opposition party actually had developed alternative ideas about how to govern.

    They looked into the abyss and saw this whole thing falling apart and realized they needed to get something done over a serious issue. It was a rare moment of government at its best, and it's not clear how long it will last.

    The administration lost the high ground on a critical issue that spoke to America's moral standards in the war on terror. It is inevitable that the administration is going to capitulate on this issue. It is only a matter of time.

    In Bush's case, the change is more in aesthetics and less in substance, ... Perhaps Bush accepts a larger role for government than some conservatives, but that has been a transformation within conservative circles as well.

    Blunt is an insider. He is soft-spoken, but a hardcore right-winger who has very close relations with the business community and ideological conservatives. He's not as much of a lightning rod as DeLay.

    Usually, a candidate has to nail down the base and move to the centre after the nomination, ... She has the flexibility because she has so much affection from the base.

    Congress has become a playground sandbox with no adult supervision.

    It's Democrats being more on the offensive rather than the defensive when it comes to values issues.

    If Fitzgerald comes down with something that strikes the White House, all bets are off with conservatism. It's the post-Bush era.

    This president will never lose politically if he looks aggressive in fighting terrorism. And Democrats will never win criticizing the president as being too aggressive in fighting terrorists.

    Clearly, they have to make gains in 2006, or it's possible there will be a contest.

    There is a dilemma within the Democratic Party The base is overwhelmingly against the war, but leadership realizes it would be very dangerous for the party to be viewed as committed to anything but success in Iraq.

    The conservative base of the party is now to the point of open rebellion (with Bush) and the demonstrations accelerate the trend.

    The administration knows how to respond to political pressure with the flexibility of an Olympic gymnast. You've seen it on a number of things - No Child Left Behind, prescription drugs, homeland security.

    It's almost like Bush is running for reelection with peace and prosperity.

    He's lowered the gap between the Democrats and Republicans on defense. It may very well be an ephemeral victory, but the Democrats will take it. Chuck gave them an issue - Dubai - that they're going to bring up over and over again.

    There were about a dozen of us wanting to stop this or that Clinton plan. When the Mariana Islands came up, I wondered how did this become a conservative issue

    Just on grounds of being evasive, he will probably get a core of Democrats who will vote against him. But his nomination is not imperiled by any means.

    You have this dry, parched field, and any spark can set it off. Any hope for a honeymoon for Bush is now dead.

    Even a sitting president who has a vice president running for office doesn't have a great impact on the way the administration behaves. The goal of the next three years is to repair the president's popularity and resolve the situation in Iraq to some decent outcome. ... If Bush leaves office in January 2009 with Iraq in chaos, nothing else will matter.

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