Martha Burk Quotes (10 Quotes)

    Our next step is we'll try stockholder resolutions and other ways to bring much greater scrutiny to these companies. These are the people who have to be held accountable.

    And two, boys in this culture, and in all cultures all around the world, one of the most humbling things in the world is to be beaten by a girl, or a woman, in anything. I think he articulated that.

    It makes the statement that women are equal to men.

    I believe five years is a good kind of tenure as head. . . . After that you lose your edge,

    Women will risk a lifetime of grave complications from faulty breast implants because the Bush administration and their appointees value short-term profits over women's long-term health.

    In sponsoring an event at a venue that practices very high-profile sex discrimination, this company is acting in direct violation of its stated policies on discrimination.

    Conservatives have been taking on women's studies departments ever since women's studies departments existed. It's part of larger strategy by conservative forces in society to legitimize their own point of view.

    She has called your mothers, your aunts, your grandmothers, your daughters, your sons and husbands terrorists. This has to stop. It is the worst kind of McCarthyism. You cannot speak out in this country any more without being called a traitor. The highest form of patriotism is to speak out against policies that do not benefit the citizens of your country. This must stop. She owes an apology, if not a resignation.

    They are selling sex and violence in a culture awash in sex and violence, ... If the NHL wants to appeal to families, this isn't the way to do it.

    The gap today is so small, why not go ahead and follow the lead of other majors, ... But as with Augusta, sex discrimination in sports doesn't have to make sense if folks enforcing it are stubborn enough.

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    Woman - Custom & Convention - Sex - Society & Civilization - Patriotism - Health - World - Aplogies - Sports - People - Man - Daughters - Conservative - Violence - Mothers - Family - Countries - View All Martha Burk Quotations

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