Martha Stewart Quotes (111 Quotes)

    I think people will go into each of these models and realize that these are finished houses. These are houses you could move into today. And we hope they are inspirational and we hope that people take away ideas not only about the houses themselves but also about the finishing of the houses. They are comfortable and functional and useful.

    He was so kind to me, offering a quiet place to visit in Australia. It would be very nice to see him.

    Because we spent so many years developing our expertise in the inside of the home in terms of high quality furnishing and accessories, we now think we are ready to help with the actual home design itself,

    Well, I don't think she's going to give up, ... I think she's incredibly saddened, incredibly saddened.

    They have a lot of time to think and plan for the future, and they should be encouraged to,

    All the things I love is what my business is all about.

    to show what Martha Stewart Living was really all about to the broadest possible audience, the kind of executive that I really am and the kind of work we do.

    I really do have rules for running and managing a business that have never been formalized before,

    It's the saddest holiday ever. It's an unwelcome time for me very unwelcome.

    I can't say where she is, ... This is a great way for us to end the summer - with Martha working by our side without the recent constraints on her time. We're excited to have Martha with us around the clock as we continue to create excellent products and entertaining programs.

    I didn't cheat the little people. ... We're all little people. I didn't cheat anybody out of anything.

    Dear Friends I am obviously distressed by the jury's verdict but I take comfort in knowing that I have done nothing wrong and that I have the enduring support of my family and friends.

    I always disagreed with the separation of the name and the brand and the person, ... To build on that name and brand is one thing. To divorce the name and the brand from the person was not an approach that I agreed with.

    Am I the same girl Yes, I am, ... Although I have changed.

    As the original 'Apprentice,' it's an honor to join my mother each week in the conference room, ... Having contributed to almost every aspect of her business empire, I know first hand what it will take for one of these sixteen candidates to win the competition and I'm not afraid to call them out in the conference room.

    No one knows me better than Alexis and she understands my way of conducting business and dealing with people, ... Charles brings the expertise of a legendary entrepreneur to the conference room each week.

    Great music is an important part of living, especially during the holidays. Family activities such as gift wrapping, baking, cooking and entertaining are enlivened with beautiful songs, traditional carols, fantastic vocalists, and famous musical renditions, ... Each selection in the compilation was carefully chosen from my many favorites for the holidays. I hope the Martha Stewart Living Music Series will become part of everyone's holiday traditions.

    On Sunday, Republicans appeared to be preparing to blunt the impact of any charges. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, Republican of Texas , speaking on the NBC news program Meet the Press, ... where they couldn't find a crime and they indict on something that she said about something that wasn't a crime.

    It's a how-to show with entertainment and a live audience, ... It's not a talk show I don't see a couch anywhere.

    The Martha Rules 10 Essentials for Achieving Success as You Start, Grow, or Manage a Business,

    This is a funny story. We'd asked the guards every day for cappuccino. You know, just as a joke. And they'd come in with their cups of coffee and stuff. And so I get here and I have a spot for a cappuccino machine, and it didn't work. So I don't have any cappuccino ... I didn't miss the cappuccino, I missed the idea of cappuccino,

    I want you to know that I am innocent - and that I will fight to clear my name.

    On her reputation for hubris I have sometimes, probably, forgotten -- and I know I have -- to pat the back of someone or said 'thank you' enough times or maybe even once sometimes, ... I wish I were perfect. I wish I were just the nicest, nicest, nicest person on Earth. But I am a business person....If I were a man no one would ever say that I was arrogant.

    I am very excited about working with a live audience for the first time and relish the idea of hosting a series that is a one-stop destination for all things how-to.

    Many, many people have suffered. People have lost jobs. I am very saddened and very, very sorry for that.

    With her new shows, Stewart intends to capitalize on the former, and dispense once and for all with the latter. When you're through changing, you're through, ... I've changed, yes I have. ... I have pictures on the daytime show set of when I was a model I don't get embarrassed or mad when I look at those. I've changed.

    I look forward to collaborating with Mark... to bring more of our unique blend of original high-quality, educational and inspirational programming to our loyal viewers and new programming to new audiences in prime time next year,

    In placing my trade I had no improper information. My transaction was entirely lawful.

    said Robert Thompson, director of the Center for the Study of Popular Television at Syracuse University. ''If they could have shown Martha the way they show the participants -- to their vast disadvantage -- people would have loved it.

    At the same time, company officials at the lifestyle media and merchandising giant announced a series of changes that indicate they are backing off the Martha Stewart name to focus on non-eponymous products. Everyday Food, a monthly magazine whose circulation has risen 50 percent in the year since it was launched, will no longer carry the tag line From the Kitchens of Martha Stewart Living. ... Living.

    What was a small personal matter became, over the last two years, an almost fatal circus of unprecedented proportion,

    I was married for 30 years. Isn't that enough? I've had my share of dirty underwear on the floor.

    I am very interested in entrepreneurial initiative. Wherever I find it, I'm always encouraging it ... and trying to give them good advice, sound advice....

    I thought I was replacing The Donald. ... The Apprentice.

    He also considered how his sentence on a young, black woman entertainer ... an older white woman entertainer.

    The letter is so mean-spirited and reckless that I almost can't believe my longtime friend Donald Trump wrote it.

    It's totally out of desire and totally out of belief that - not that I am essential, but that I am still a vibrant, wise human being with great dreams for the future, great hopes for the future, a great team to work with and a really great company to be involved with, ... I mean, this is my life.

    I think it's very important that whatever you're trying to make or sell, or teach has to be basically good. A bad product and you know what? You won't be here in ten years.

    as a director of, and limiting her activities as an officer of, any public company.

    I'm not a sponge exactly, but I find that something I look at is a great opportunity for ideas.

    I won't be 'firing' the candidates. I don't like 'firing' people...I've never even said 'You're fired,'

    The guiding scene in my career is that leverage and influence.

    It could be a lifestyle suite devoted to exercise or to love...but you have to have a vision.

    There's a conundrum, ... My company needs me. I would like to get back to work. I would like this to be over.

    I used to wear fur, but like many others, I had a change of heart when I learned what actually happens to the animals.

    When they were preparing for trial, prosecutors had a responsibility to ask Agent Stewart -- 'you didn't write the first report, you didn't sign off on it -- were you there'

    I catnap now and then, but I think while I nap, so it's not a waste of time.

    So much violence in the world seems beyond our control, but this is one cruelty we can stop by being informed consumers.

    The company and the brand have shown strength and resilience in a difficult environment, ... We are pleased to have generated increased revenue in a tough economy and continue to operate this business with a long-term outlook.

    My new motto is: When you're through changing, you're through.

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