Martha Stewart Quotes (111 Quotes)

    Without a sense of teamwork I think it's really hard to build a great business.

    I find that when you have a real interest in life and a curious life, that sleep is not the most important thing.

    In an open letter that appears in the front of the book, editor-in-chief Margaret Roach reminds readers that September means change, which though necessary and often a sign of new growth, isn't always comfortable. ... attend to her personal legal matters.

    She's too, ironically, forgiving and kind, and -- I know people don't know that, but she was incredibly generous and she gives too much, I think,

    Charles made us laugh all the time, and Alexis is unbelievably wonderful to all the candidates. They just appreciated her candor and niceness so much,

    she said. ''I like her products, her magazine, and her show. Yes, we all know she's probably a expletive in real life, but aren't we all I liked getting inside information on her. I liked having her daughter there. It was fun to watch. I'm bummed that it's over.

    I am taking this action today because it is in the best interests of MSO and because I think it's the right thing to do,

    While I had hoped to be designated to a facility closer to my family and more accessible to my appellate attorneys, I am pleased that the Bureau of Prisons has designated me so quickly to FPC Alderson, the first Federal prison camp for women in the United States. I look forward to getting this behind me and to vigorously pursuing my appeal.

    She hasn't been to my house yet. Every door says REMOVE YOUR SHOES. All little notes, everywhere.

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