Master Kwon Quotes (27 Quotes)

    The key to a good life is to keep it simple, yet creating simplicity is such a complex issue.

    The world can be viewed in many different ways,depending on the type of glasses we choose to wear,happy or sad ones, blue or red ones, or.

    Be fully present in the moment no matter what you are doing, the best in you will reveal itself.

    What is the difference between knowledge and wisdom Knowledge is gained by gathering data, whereas, Wisdom is earned by going through actual life experiences.

    Seek a sanctuary, Respect it, as it is holy, Walk into it with a bare mind, bare feet and plain clothing, Nurture your body, mind and spirit through a healing ritual, Leave it with a pure heart until you find your way to it again.

    Relationships flourish, when individuality,freedom and growth are respected.

    Rituals involving strenuous andor repetitive physical movements are meant to free the mind of all frivolous thoughts and divert the focus to the point of one-mindedness or absolute concentration.

    Practice opening and closing your eyes a few times a day, with the awareness of letting go of your dark feelings to the brightness of the light.

    As a nation, a society, a family and an individual, we must be grateful to our great ancestors who dedicated their lives to laying the infrastructure of our livelihood today. Lets continue their path and build upon it.

    How do you love You fall in to it It is a continuous and ever-lasting feeling, even if you dont express it at all times.

    When you intentionally cross the red light, then you will consciously deal with the consequences.

    The essence of life is seeked through polarities such as , health and illness, happiness and suffering, wealth and poverty and so on.

    One piece of log creates a small fire, adequate to warm you up, add just a few more pieces to blast an immense bonfire, large enough to warm up your entire circle of friends needless to say that individuality counts but team work dynamites.

    We seek excellence, by constant trial and error.

    In conflict, sometimes the best tactic is, to allow the force to pass by like a wind or, like the water running down the river.

    Positive or negative energy is exchanged like a fair trade, the more you give, the more you receive.

    At the moment when you feel like you have reached the point of absolute exhaustion, inspire yourself to take one last step, and that is when you have successfully arrived to the next level.

    Remove the road blocks as you come across them. Otherwise, you will have to climb a high mountain.

    To keep life safe, Be conscious of the invisible red and green signals.

    Relationships are like sparring within the appropriate space, action and reaction naturally flow.

    In the circle of life, Respect and gratitude are due by juniors to seniors and vice-versa at any given level for the juniors to get inspired by the seniors, for the seniors to get reminded of their accomplishments.

    Be mindful of every little pleasure in life, By living everyday like its your last day.

    Become a champion in life, By conquering the enemy within.

    The key to a good life is simplicity,yet creating simplicity is so complex.

    In the process of trial and error, Our failed attempts are meant to destroy arrogance and provoke humility.

    Include a few moments of quite time into your daily schedule Breath deeply, evaluate your thoughts, delete the negative ones and reset your mind to a positive perspective by counting your blessings and overflowing opportunities.

    Set goals, Put forth the best in you, Never compete with anyone but yourself.

    More Master Kwon Quotations (Based on Topics)

    Life - Mind - Light - Simplicity - Relationship - Respect - Error & Mistake - Emotions - World - Business & Commerce - Health - Suffering - Goals - Family - Opportunity - Excellence - Enemy - Clothing - Humility - View All Master Kwon Quotations

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