Matt Davis Quotes (13 Quotes)

    The crowd loves them. They seem like really talented kids.

    I learned how to start over at the bottom after getting all that ice time in minor,

    James probably doesn't know this, but he's inspired us. We have all learned so much from James. Facing adversity, coming back and just putting everything in perspective. People can easily get down, especially about the smallest things.

    We are trying to improve on our 4-6 record. The kids worked hard this offseason, and this is the most seniors we've had since I've been coaching.

    It's the first kind of baby steps toward this whole concept of an anytime-anywhere device.

    If I'm a telco, I'd want to kill wireless or WiMAX projects but I should be encouraging fiber optic networks.

    Whenever we have inclement weather moving in, we try to protect our firefighters to make sure safety is number one. We have some additional resources here to get them out of that weather in case we have severe lightning,

    We are playing well. We won (Friday night) by scoring a lot of runs and we won (tonight) not scoring a lot. We are on a good roll. We try to be better each time out.

    People begged for water, he said. In some parts of the city, if you had a 100 in one hand and bottled water in the other, people would kill for the water, ... People were frying in their own sweat.

    Don't be sad for me. Please don't be sad for me. This is like the MasterCard commercial. You know, it's priceless what God has given me to be the head basketball coach here.

    It's too bad we only got to fish one day. Teams fishing Erie for the first time did not get a true picture of how good fishing can be for big walleyes.

    There's not a majority either way anymore and it forces people to work together. That's good for the community.

    In our line of business, any potential failure is unacceptable, and we moved immediately to alert our customers -- and others within our industry -- of this problem.

    More Matt Davis Quotations (Based on Topics)

    Business & Commerce - People - Fishing - Potential - Majority & Minority - Failure - Safety - Cities - Adversity - Water - Perspective - Hope - Communities - Babies - View All Matt Davis Quotations

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