Matt Ruane Quotes (17 Quotes)

    You have pretty light volume ahead of the Fed meeting. You also had the Dow have one of its best weeks in 15 years last week, so you're going to see some pullback from that. Airlines are down again and it's pressuring the broader market, particularly the Dow. US Airways' filing wasn't a surprise but it still sets a negative tone.

    We're seeing a little bounce from oversold conditions, with stocks not being down quite as much as they were this morning, but it's still nasty out there. We're in a bear market, where we have these false rallies on a little short-covering, but there's nothing on the horizon to push it past that. It's also the end of the quarter, so you've got a lot of people sitting on the sidelines.

    The near term out of these companies is shaky. It's the forecast for higher growth in the second half that is really bringing markets higher today. People are seeing a little light at the end of the tunnel.

    The utilities are really breaking down today Tuesday. They were seen as a safe haven play and now you have people worrying about dividends being cut across the board.

    The key here is still commodities. Oil has been above 30 a barrel for what, the last 90 days. Commodity prices need to come down. Wholesale numbers yesterday were high because of energy, because of oil. It's a concern. It's a drag on the economy and the dollar.

    There's a lot of nervousness on the political front and that's keeping the buyers out of the market. We've got 50 significant companies reporting results this week - but at this point, bad news is almost good news, because it's so built in to people's expectations.

    There's a lot of skittishness about the Middle East, with crude prices up above 27. We're not going to see the situation get as dire as it did in the '70s, because we get oil from more sources now, but you will see prices continue to rise and markets will keep feeling the effects.

    It's all about the Bush plan today. Any stocks that pay dividends are doing well today, particularly telecoms and utilities. But I hope that this is not a short-term solution. A range of 300 billion to 600 billion is pretty murky. We're going to have to h

    The market has done a good job, considering all it's had to take in over the last few days. There's skepticism across the board right now, but no fear, no panic. I like the action today Wednesday.

    It's all Texas Instruments today. After IBM and Intel last week, we're seeing tech take two steps forward, one step back.

    The semiconductors are lifting on very dismal volume, with very few people acting before the anniversary. It's a continuation of yesterday, and clearly there is a little money going into semis, but it's going to be a long, long time before there is any real growth in the sector.

    The economic news helps, but I don't know if this is more than a short-covering rally. If there was something more substantial that could sustain us for two or three days, I would be a believer, but I just don't see anything out there.

    We're really in a trading range, drifting sideways for the time being as the market waits for its next catalyst.

    Bush's comments provided some short-term comfort. But shortly after, we sold back down again.

    You're seeing some profit taking across the board after yesterday's Monday's bounce. You've got a little shift back into bonds, but basically trading is calm. It's kind of the standard summer doldrums. On the upside, you're seeing some money go into some high-risk areas ... which tells you something about how the psychology is changing from a month ago.

    But this is a normal pullback after the run up we've seen in October. I wouldn't read too much into it.

    It's a surprise reversal today after the labor number this morning. The resignation of O'Neill was certainly a positive for the market. That was clearly the catalyst. The market was also getting a little oversold. And you have some good participation from tech.

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