Matt Thornhill Quotes (7 Quotes)

    Boomers have been mass-marketed to since they were five years old, and they're always interested in what's next.

    Boomers will do aging on their own terms. At every stage in their lives, boomers have done it differently from their parents' generation. They won't be retiring so much as they'll be reinventing themselves.

    Marketers trying to grow their business over the next 10 years can either target the stagnant 18-49 segment, or they can develop strategies to appeal to the fast-growing 50-plus segment.

    Most large financial service companies have rushed new marketing materials to help boomers start thinking about retirement planningand all are based on the financial services company focusing on you and your life, versus them and the products they want to sell. Where it falls short is when you call the financial services firm and interact with a planner or adviser who only wants to sell you products. The training hasn't filtered down from the marketing professionals to the front-line client-contact people.

    If you have a product or service or company that can help boomers fulfill that quest for vitality in any aspect, you'll be successful over the next 30 to 40 years.

    Anyone who wants to grow his business in the next 10 years will need to target more than the 18-to-49 group.

    Boomers over 50 may be healthier, wealthier and better educated than any previous generation of 50-year-olds in American history. But they also may be poised for a big fall if all they do to stay healthy is drink designer water and pop vitamins all day long.

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