Matt Williams Quotes (33 Quotes)

    I would love to see massive investment into the club game,

    We could have played with a little more intensity. We need to pick things up. We're not finishing on offense like we're capable of and it's frustrating.

    (Strickland) did a great job. He threw strikes and kept us off balance, and we didn't hit.

    We haven't been made to feel welcome by any means. We've had flyers torn down, and CSUN hasn't gone out of its way to make us feel welcome.

    Gordon has shown outstanding leadership on and off the pitch and is one of the most intense trainers in the squad.

    Last semester we had a full roster with 15 full-time, active members. This semester, I plan on being just as busy. We're hoping to do a 'support the troops' day. We've done it on other college campuses with great success.

    We need a number of experienced leaders in the run up to the next World Cup.

    We know Jess likes to run so we just give her the reins and let her run.

    It was upsetting at first. But we know coach Gilliam and we trust him.

    People who think Bush is conservative say that because he doesn't represent their views.

    Everyone's hard work will finally be seen and, I hope, celebrated.

    Should I be suspicious of every power hitter now because of steroids ... Should I assume that everyone who played during the 'juiced ball' era was on steroids And what about players like Albert Belle and Matt Williams Should I assume they were juiced as well.

    We wanted to pick up the pace a little bit so we went to full-court pressure in the third quarter because we needed to force them into some mistakes.

    I've liked politics for a long time. I believe governments shouldn't be as large or powerful as they've become. Giving more power to the government is like giving teens whiskey and car keys.

    In the past five games, we haven't been catching any breaks. The balls are just not dropping for us.

    After the shock, you have to figure out what to do. ... You have to come to terms with what might happen. The disease affects everyone differently.

    That's the problem with the Campus Republicans. They want to win elections. We want to educate the student body. The Republican Party wants to stay autonomous, so they don't like conservative groups like ours coming in.

    It's fantastic to be able to take an international game into Caledonia, which has produced so many great rugby players,

    He's a really, really good hitter to all fields. Physically, he hits fastballs really, really well. He's an extremely hard worker. He's always working on his swing, and he's always working on his fielding abilities trying to make himself better. He works really hard just in everything he does, like with his rehab and everything -- with that he's already back and throwing the ball. Pretty soon he'll be able to play defense in a game, not just hit.

    I thought it was garbage what people were saying about George,

    I thought Matt Williams was a really good coach but the problem was he surrounded himself with people who were not good for the way Scotland had to be playing given our size. We needed to be fitter and faster and move the ball more which wasn't what was happening.

    Todd's leadership and integrity will be an example to Scotland's players,

    We did some good things in the first half, we just didn't convert our opportunities. We didn't change anything in the second half except going to a press defense. We did a great job on the boards in the second half.

    The idea that we are lighting cigars with 20 notes while the rest of Scottish rugby flounders is absolutely untrue.

    Whatever decisions are made we have to make sure that it doesn't put a further negative on the club game.

    I started having trouble picking up our 9-month-old baby. It didn't seem like anything serious.

    John has been brought in to learn about international preparation and at this stage it is just part of his development. But we would be looking for him to be knocking on the door of international selection in the near future.

    they're spending money like crazy on this new Student Union.

    She's a great example for young people who want to accomplish something. She plays so much basketball, and that's how she's gotten better.

    We didn't deserve to be robbed blind like that. It was terrible, terrible decisions that cost us the game,

    We can move them around depending on whether it is an attacking or defensive scrum. The number on the jersey is not so important.

    People judge gays before they meet them. They're really good, as you can see.

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