Maurice Carroll Quotes on People (6 Quotes)

    Americans - especially young Americans - are an optimistic people. Despite the gloom and doom in the world, and their own belief that peace on Earth is not in sight, we believe our own lives are getting better.

    People remember he was a Democrat, and they suspect that deep in his heart he still is. And it's not like they're electing a Republican. They're electing a mayor.

    Where she actually stands on stuff has very little to do with the way people feel about her. It's going to carry over into a national race because the people that love her, love her and the people that don't, hate her.

    People think this is a horrible problem, and they are not being very friendly to illegal immigrants.

    Freddy's clearly having a good week, whereas a lot of people around town are asking, 'So what is the mayor's game plan for winning another four years of Republican rule in City Hall' ... We've yet to see it.

    People think Bloomberg ought to have more to do with it.

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