Maxine Sweet Quotes (6 Quotes)

    Creditors normally report updates to their accounts only once a month, so a consumer can't pay down the balance and expect it to be reflected on the report the next day.

    If you notice anything questionable, such as accounts you don't recognize, or payment disputes, deal with those issues before applying for a home equity loan. It can also be helpful to have your credit score which will tell you specifically the factors in your credit history that could be considered risky by lenders.

    It's a very serious negative item on your report, on par with a tax lien or a bankruptcy. You will definitely pay more for your credit, in higher interest rates and higher down payments.

    It's also important to know that when taxes go unpaid, the IRS can place a lien on your assets. Unpaid tax liens can remain on your credit report for up to 15 years, while paid tax liens can remain on your credit report for seven years from the date paid. Both have a negative impact on your credit score.

    Typically, people who manage finances well manage their lives well and are less stressed, likely to be more honest and more in control of their workday and their home life. A credit report is not only reflective of your financial position but your character.

    We no longer advise consumers to close unused accounts, as these accounts raise the cumulative credit limit.

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