Mayor Slifka Quotes on Communities (3 Quotes)

    This represents an effort to make sure that we are doing all that we can to ensure our young people are responsible and safe. We must continue to educate the young people in the community about the dangers of alcohol as well as make sure that our laws are tight enough so that we, as a town, can intervene when it is necessary.

    The increase in our grand list is the highest that we have seen in decades. The growth we have seen on the real estate side shows that a lot of people are reinvesting in their properties and that is a great example of the kind of faith people have in our community.

    There is no question that Jim Francis is the right man for the job because he will be able to step in on day one and be ready to help us with the many challenges facing our community. Jim has worked closely with Barry Feldman over the past 20 years and has a proven financial management record and an excellent working relationship with the financial community.

    More Mayor Slifka Quotations (Based on Topics)

    Communities - People - Speaking - Success - Alcohol - Past - Leading & Managing - Fire - Danger & Risk - Time - Belief & Faith - Man - History - Efforts - Youth - Budgeting - Opportunity - Law & Regulation - Finance - View All Mayor Slifka Quotations

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