Meb Keflezighi Quotes (6 Quotes)

    The Boston Marathon is internationally recognized and has a great tradition, and I know there will be high expectations for me. I always run to win. It's the motto that I live by.

    The crowd was screaming, 'Go USA. Go USA. The crowd was phenomenal. It forced us to go hard. I think we performed the way we should. That's the results.

    I know I ran well today, but it wasn't my best. The pressure was on. The first time (at Boston) is a challenge and you get a feeling for it, but I'm excited about next time.

    I just hope to be relaxed until mile 20 and then push it for the last six miles. If somebody has trained harder and smarter than I have, let him prevail.

    He gave me his cell phone number and told me to call if I needed anything.

    He said, 'You've just got to be smart. Be patient. 'And when you make a move, make it count.

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