Melvin Ely Quotes (11 Quotes)

    We lost both of our point guards at tone time, and that will hurt any team. We're still supposed to go out there and play hard. KB (Kevin Burleson) did a great job for being just thrown out to the wolves, and we have another one tomorrow. We're not down on this loss. We'll take it, but we won't accept it. We've got a game tomorrow and we can possibly win that one.

    It takes its toll when you have to play out of position, but hopefully we will get it together. The injuries have forced a lot of players that weren't in the rotation to get in the action.

    They're a good team. Everybody picked them as the team to lose more games than anybody, and they've proved them wrong.

    They say any time you catch the flu it's the sickest you've ever been in your life. I can speak to that. It's the truth.

    We went out there and played our hardest and put ourselves in good position to win the game. Then once again we got bit by that bug of somebody going down in the game. Our leader left us, we tried to maintain it and it just slipped away.

    Any time you have a grand opening, have to walk the red carpet and have the commissioner talk to us -- any time that happens you are going to be excited,

    We fought and fought and fought. The only thing we can do is play the same way and hope that things go our way in the end.

    I've said all year - coach is going to make sure the effort is there. He's not going to put guys on the floor that aren't going to play hard. Regardless of the way our situation is, if we had seven, he'd make sure those seven played hard or you don't play. We're going into the game with that mind-set.

    Since we left the court, nobody has stopped smiling.

    Through these times, we've become close as a team. We try to make teams do things out of the ordinary. We tried to make them speed their game up.

    We were ashamed we came on the court like that. We are a better team than we showed.

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