Michael Craig Quotes (8 Quotes)

    He wasn't the sort of person I would seek out in the pub, ... There was always tension around him and he would argue a lot and get very drunk. His wife Caitlin was a worry, too.

    I want to achieve greatness in high school, go to Georgetown or Villanova and get into the NBA soon.

    As soon as I landed the job I went over to Wales to Laugharne, the little town where Thomas spent his last years. I went into the house where he and Caitlin lived and saw the little shed where he did much of his finest work. I also saw the pub where he spent so much of his life, and I bought a copy of Under Milk Wood and started learning my lines,

    At present, the team of specialist nursing, medical and social care staff travel the length and breadth of Co Galway on a daily basis to visit and care for almost 120 (predominantly cancer) patients,

    Despite costing in excess of 1 million per annum to provide, the continuation and availability of the home care, day care and bereavement support services have been ensured largely by the generosity and support of the people of Galway. Without this support, these services would simply cease to exist.

    The best poker players walk a tightrope between their business sense and their passion. As professionals, they seek out the most profitable opportunities and control as many factors as possible to create a positive result. As gamblers, however, they want the risk and excitement of having something important on the line with the outcome in the balance.

    The real stars of this book, however, are the poker pros. Craig, a player himself, clearly likes and admires them. Still, he explains how tenuous the lives of even the best players can be. Every great poker player has run through their playing payroll, most of them many times, ... Going broke is both a rite of passage and a badge of honor, a reminder that they live life on the edge.

    It's not too much I can say about it but to say that it's a shame so many Black people have AIDS. It's tearing the Black community apart. It's terrible. New Orleans is one of my favorite cities. It's tragic that so many people have no where to live.

    More Michael Craig Quotations (Based on Topics)

    Work & Career - People - Life - Education - Charity - Worry - Poker Playing - Medicine & Medical - Home - Cities - Balance - Present - Passion - Honor - Danger & Risk - Books - View All Michael Craig Quotations

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