Michael Lotief Quotes (6 Quotes)

    It may have hit her in the wrong place. We'll just have to wait and see.

    She's just been locked in all year. If you make a mistake upstairs to her, it's a home run.

    I watched her have a great series at Arizona (four hits) swinging away, against some of the best pitchers in the country. Last week, she had three hits in one game against Troy by slapping.

    They've really been overlooked, because of our offense.

    This lineup continues to put pressure on pitchers. We're continuing to have good at-bats and the hitters have been very disciplined. They don't go after anything off the plate.

    There was a lot of concern about who was going to pitch this year, what are we going to do, sort of a woe is us. Everybody was worried, and she got up on the bus and told everybody that it was a challenge to all of us. We were going to have to hit better, field better, play harder, pick our game up and play on a higher level.

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