Michael Palmer Quotes (8 Quotes)

    We know that travel is essential to a complete education. Traveling abroad teaches understanding of other people, cultures and communities, and these types of experiences offer young people a greater ability to be successful in today's global society.

    It was kind of ironic. I guess (Molson) wanted something there to replace Corona if Corona ever got pissed off, but the easiest way to piss off Corona was to put something there to replace it. It was an ill-conceived brand and a poorly executed campaign. A combination of the two doesn't usually result in much success.

    The Millennium Generation is more traveled, more conservative and more likely to do a multi-dimensional trip than the X Generation. They consider more diverse offerings, are more likely to combine a trip hanging with friends with, say, an interview for an internship or a charity event.

    Who wants to buy a beer from Brazil with a German name What is that all about The brand had no identity. It would be hard to convince people that a German beer from Brazil was worth an extra 20 a case.

    What you are seeing more often is 'I want to lie on the beach, but I also want to interview for an internship or share my knowledge.

    Our travel segment is growing two to three times faster than the travel industry as a whole, We're seeing more organized group tours during the spring break time, and a lot wider diversity of travel destinations.

    This is a unique program and a national model for being a very innovative program.

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