Michelle Nelson Quotes (5 Quotes)

    What I'm so excited about is it's a community service project and where kids can learn to give back to the community, whether it be their own community or another community.

    He spends like five million hours preparing for the tournament. He is dedicated to basketball and puts a lot of heart into it.

    Most of the time, the vocational degrees are part of a linear pathway that would allow them to go straight from here to a bachelor's program.

    We have a much more significant awareness of the future than we have ever had before as an institution. Children and adolescents don't typically focus on careful planning and being responsive to the community, but young adults do make those kinds of plans. So I'd say we're entering early adulthood at age 60.

    The employers of North County depend on us to supply them with qualified workers. We need to have the best possible technology in our classrooms for our students, who will eventually help make the quality of life in this region flourish.

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