Mickey Hatcher Quotes (17 Quotes)

    It took him away from playing the game he loved. The guy lived for that. He lived for Spring Training, he lived for the game of baseball. That was a dark day. When he couldn't play the game the way he wanted, it was really frustrating for him. There is no telling how many more years he could have played and how many more good years he could have had. It was hard on him.

    Our team is based on guys feeding off each other and it is fun to watch. Right now we're swinging the bats well. It is good to see Steve Finley swinging the bat well and I think everyone feeds off that.

    He'll get pissed off, and you'd better watch out. They don't want to piss him off ---- they want to keep him quiet.

    When he is healthy, he is dangerous. We want to keep him healthy so he can be dangerous all the time.

    Good hitters make adjustments and he has been making adjustments. You don't do that, you're not going to survive at this level, but he's been doing that.

    He might win a batting title one day. I'll go on record as predicting that.

    A lot of people don't realize how important he is to this club. Even in that nine hole, being a hitter, bringing in a run, stealing a base. Defensively, he's done a great job for us since the first day we've had him. He just catches everything, turns the double play with the best of them, so his total game is there right now.

    I give Finley a lot of credit. The kind of year he's gone through has been very frustrating for him, but that hasn't stopped him from being a team guy.

    There's nobody like him. He has one plan, and that's to go up with the idea of getting a hit.

    I got frustrated because I saw the replay and I read his lips. I went out and the umpire threw me out and I got mad. You can't just sit back. It was an offensive play and I was frustrated.

    He came back with a purpose, and it's going to be very, very interesting. If he keeps going the way he is, and stays around, he's going to make us better.

    He's got power that's why he gets triples. It's not just his speed. He has a short, strong swing both right-handed and left-handed. He has good hands and if you make a mistake he will drive it.

    It's not as bad as people think it is. Offensively, you need a little luck. And we just haven't had any.

    We've moved on as a team. This is a good umpiring crew even the umpire that's gone through all of this. He's done a great job. I just hope all this doesn't become nasty today.

    The guy who was frustrated more than anybody was Vlad. But I've seen teams win the World Series, and it takes nine guys. I've told him, 'Hey, you battled the best you could.' They didn't make any mistakes on him. Those series go fast when you never get going.

    The one thing you have to do is always play the game hard and people will love you. And every day, whether it was practice or on the field, he set the tone for the organization. When every young kid came up, they could see him playing hard and I think it was really an inspiration for that organization. He got them two championships. He was a great leader.

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