Mike Harper Quotes (14 Quotes)

    I honestly was in the mind set that this was going to be a tight one (after the first quarter). I'm very surprised at the way the game evolved. It was almost surreal the way we find the guy that should have ball in his hands at the right time, and I don't think they ever really got into anything offensively. I'll give our kids credit, they played hard defensively, and I don't think Aurora shot the ball the way they're capable of tonight.

    Whether the children are just relocating to the area or like our newest enrollees who have lost everything, choosing to get involved is important. Research shows involvement is one of the keys to being a successful student.

    We were looking to make plays, but we didn't. They, on the other hand, get the hits and that is why they won.

    Most of these students' records are underwater, gone forever. We will make adjustments where appropriate to meet whatever needs they have. They've got good teachers and counselors to take them in. We expect them to join us and do really well.

    We definitely hit the ball hard. A lot of people hit the ball hard throughout the lineup. We did a lot better job at the plate.

    Kathy Cikanek took time from her day to take a group of adults to Tabernacle on Monday to enroll all those children who were planning on attending classes in Ennis. Her efforts and those of the group made for a much smoother transition.

    I thought Armstrong pitched the ball real well. She pitched the ball hard, and she hit her spots with different pitches.

    We have seen an average increase of about 6 percent this year over last year. The growth we have seen is driving up the value of property throughout the county. Of course, you have some areas that have seen more increases than others, but just about everyone will see an increase in their taxes paid.

    I'm proud of our students and our community. Students have seen a need and they've made a difference and the community steps up every time there's a need.

    I just don't want to create an ordinance that's going to be unfair to stores. That's my only concern, I don't want to create an unfair system.

    It gets to the point where the fire starts moving so quickly that they can't get out, so first we have to the people out of the way, and then we'll focus on their property.

    Second base has been a problem spot for us. Chase did a good job and caught a couple of balls there that we hadn't been getting to in games. Hannah played real well at short. No errors at all. You get no errors and you are going to win most of your games.

    Armstrong continued to pitch real well. We showed a lot of character to come back two times when we were down. Dana hit her spots pretty well tonight and she was throwing with some velocity.

    We know we're not out of this (playoff chase). We have to keep battling and keep doing whatever it takes to win ball games. We're playing our best, and I look for us to keep playing well the rest of the year.

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