Mike Hogan Quotes (10 Quotes)

    Of our five kids who placed from our section, three are seniors. We had a pretty young team here. I think eight of our wrestlers were first-time sectional champions.

    I don't like to blame the refs. But they didn't have one of their best games.

    Ohio State University Extension is excited about the opportunity to host Extension agents from around the country for a week, and show off our state, our university and our outstanding Extension and research programs.

    He can go on his own. I think of all the steals he has this season, I've given him the sign to steal once. He just basically has good baseball instinct. I have no problem with anything he does.

    No question that playing high-level competition on a neutral floor does help you at the NCAA tournament.

    That's a great athletic night for a wrestler. The first night you win sectionals -- it doesn't get much better than that.

    It's all about players. If you have players as a coach, you'll do well. I was lucky enough to have some great players over the years.

    Without him, I know I wouldn't be the person I am. He's the one who taught me all about dedication. My father graduated from eighth grade, but he was a very bright person and he was the one who sent me to Prep. I remember I was a sophomore and it was report card night at Prep. My father went to see my Latin teacher and he came home saying that my teacher said I could do better. I said, 'Dad, I'm getting an 80.' He said, 'Your teacher said you can do better.' I said, 'But Dad,' and he said, 'Your teacher said you can do better.' I got the message. I always tried to do better. I know he's looking down from heaven and enjoying this.

    It's wonderful. We worked really hard to convince people in Oakmont and Kenwood it would be a good idea. A lot of people did a lot of work on the ground, walking. I think that made the difference.

    Finishing 20th against this kind of competition wasn't bad.

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    Countries - Work & Career - Sign & Symbol - Instinct - Fathers - Walking - Opportunity - Games - Competition - Will & Determination - People - Idea - View All Mike Hogan Quotations

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