Mike Leavitt Quotes on Medicine & Medical (6 Quotes)

    Providing healthcare professionals and patients with clear and concise information about prescriptions will help ensure safe and optimal use of drugs, which translates into better health outcomes for patients and more efficient delivery of healthcare.

    Avian flu or H5N1 is still primarily a disease among animals, ... Human deaths have been almost exclusively among humans who came into contact with infected birds. The virus has not shown itself to be easily transmitted from person to person and, unless it does, will not result in pandemic.

    The incentives in our health care system are just wrong wrong for providers, wrong for payers, wrong for patients, ... Providers get paid on the basis of the quantity of the care they provide, not the quality of outcomes.

    The health care needs in the region are immense, and we are working as quickly as we can to get the medical care and supplies to the people who so desperately need them, ... These facilities augment the medical services being provided and nearly 100 tons of supplies this Department has shipped already to the Gulf region. Additional shelters we will open in the coming days.

    Sharing successful best practices will be valuable to providers nationwide seeking to implement health IT systems that will improve patient safety and reduce hassle, ... These grants help move our health care system closer to making the medical clipboard a thing of the past.

    We have no alternative but to prepare. If we don't, medical centers will be overwhelmed, schools will close, and there will be a loss of workers in certain areas.

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