Mike Murphy Quotes (8 Quotes)

    We closed out at the right time of the day with a big game. We came out in the second half and boom, boom, boom. We're in the hunt.

    We played OK -- I thought we were a little sluggish and methodical on offense in the first half. I thought we got out-hustled in the first half.

    We played pretty physical tonight and I liked that. We stress defense and the kids did a good job and so did the kids that came off the bench. They can all play defense. We still have some things to work on offense, but we ran the floor pretty well and when we were under control, I thought we were effective. We have to be playing well defensively for everything else to work.

    They have two really good players and they played well. You have to give them credit. We didn't finish in some areas and they did. They did exactly what they needed to do.

    We don't steal money from people's paychecks without asking them for it. That's Soprano fundraising over in the union boss world, and we don't play that game.

    We actually played pretty well. We shot 53 percent from the field and I thought we defended real well. The issue really is that Southwest 71 percent from the field, and that's to their credit. Our kids responded and took every punch. I was proud of how they responded.

    Too often, young adults risk their financial futures by going without health insurance because they don't understand it or don't think they need it.

    This is just a sideshow, ... Warren Beatty is our stunt disrupter this morning.

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